The Benefits Nature
The benefits are numerous!
Simply being in Nature naturally releases endorphins, dopamine, and other hormones which produce good feelings, reduces stress levels, lowers our heart rate and blood pressure, boosts immune functioning, increases positive emotions and reduces depression.
The researched benefits of nature include:
Improved Creative Reasoning – “Attention Restoration Theory (ART) suggests that exposure to nature can restore prefrontal cortex-mediated executive processes, higher order cognitive functions including selective attention, problem solving, inhibition, and multi-tasking are all heavily utilized in our modern technology-rich society.”
Increased vitality and energy levels and resilience to physical illness “Research has shown that people with a greater sense of vitality don't just have more energy for things they want to do, they are also more resilient to physical illnesses. One of the pathways to health may be to spend more time in natural settings," -Richard Ryan
Sensory stimulation - as many as 54 noted natural senses may be stimulated with natural interactions beneficial for wellbeing. (Dr. Michael Cohen Project NatureConnect)
Nature allows the executive attentional system to replenish. “…four days of immersion in nature, and the corresponding disconnection from multimedia and technology, increases performance on a creativity, problem-solving task by a full 50 percent,” (Atchley et al., 2012)
Shinrin-yoku (Japanese Forest Bathing/Walking) has scientifically-proven benefits. Forest Bathing research demonstrates with as little as 20-mins in a forest can reduce stress levels, and blood pressure, lift depression and increase positive emotions. After 2-hours it can reduce your heart-rate, boost immune functioning. One of the most notable findings was the effect on anti-cancer fighting proteins (NK (Natural Killer) cells. The effect and smell of pine trees oils strengthens the immune system and fights tumors and infections. Research demonstrates:
-Decreased hostility and stress
-Reduced blood pressure/Cardio vascular relaxation
-Decreased blood glucose levels in diabetic patients
-Reduced anger, depression and anxiety
-increased energy levels
-improved mood and sleep
Green spaces reduce mortality, stress, and promote physical activity
Dementia and Alzheimer’s. Reduced levels of agitation in care home residents with dementia who spend time in a garden “... opportunity to relax in a calming setting, but also to remember skills and habits that have brought enjoyment in the past.”
Improved short-term memory. “…people’s performance on the test improved by almost 20% after wandering amongst the trees. By comparison those subjected to a busy street did not improve.”
Greater sense of self-fulfilment and purpose. “Children who spend significant time outdoors could have a stronger sense of self-fulfilment and purpose than those who don't…”These values are incredibly important to human development and well-being" - “… children took greater notice of colour, symmetry and balance in nature as well as displaying greater imagination and curiosity themselves.”
Reduced severity of ADHD. “…who regularly play in outdoor settings with lots of green (grass and trees, for example) have milder ADHD symptoms than those who play indoors or in built outdoor environments.”
Decreased rumination, trigger for anxiety and depression.
Landscape Design for physical health, cognitive performance, psychological well-being, social and spiritual benefits of interacting with nature.
Interactions with nature can positively influence behaviour, academic performance and social skills in children
Enhanced perceptions of quality of life, emotional responses and sense of quality of life by living within urban vegetation.
Gardening helping depression “94 percent of people taking part in a MIND survey commented that green exercise activities had benefited their mental health; and 100 percent of volunteers interviewed during an outdoor conservation project agreed that participation benefited their mental health, boosted self-esteem and improved confidence. Furthermore, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence asserts that for ‘patients with depression… structured and supervised exercise can be an effective intervention that has a clinically significant impact on depressive symptoms.”
Improved air quality and reduced toxins with indoor plants. Top ten plants for removing formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air
Shelter, housing and living comforts. Psychologists' research explains the mental and physical restoration we get from nature--and has important implications for how we build our homes, work environments and cities.
Absorption of Vitamin D low levels linked to cancers, diabetes, influenza, eczema, rickets, poor bone density, muscular weakness, healthy pregnancy, depression, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, multiple sclerosis, autism, Alzheimer's disease, rheumatoid arthritis, asthma severity and swine flu.
Increased physical strength and exercise
Memory sharing and reflection. Particularly useful for sensory perceptive issues, aged care, dementia and Alzheimer’s.
Escape or distraction from daily routine, emotional or physical pain and limitations.
Reduced stress and increased productivity
Increased staff satisfaction, less illness, staff sick days and turn-over
Lower levels of anxiety and pain during recovery from surgery
MIND (Mental health advice and support) UK Ecotherapy studies recommendations (pdf)
Virginia Lohr, PhD professor of horticulture at Washington State University states:
"We have evolved with plants in nature and are closely connected. Perhaps we're more at ease when we're near the things we need to survive."
We have an inner drive for our life to have meaning and purpose, and reciprocal relationships.
The following statements were expressed by participants of Project Nature Connect:
"As nature safely teaches us what is 'real' in ourselves, we can gradually replace our 'unreal' fears and anxieties with feelings of in-the-moment joy, radiant good health, fun, laughter, self-balance, and harmony with life.”
“With awareness of self and nature connectedness, I realize that we humans are nature. Nature, when we are conscious of its invisible links will shift our consciousness to heal us, balance and teach us. We can then at least make informed conscious decisions.”
A lot more evidence based research about the benefits of nature can be found HERE
Please see GREENSONG Facebook page posts for the most recent research, articles and reports.
Benefits specific for environment education and children are noted on our Environment Education page.

"When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator."
- Mahatma Gandhi
Eco-psychologist and 1994 Distinguished Citizen, Dr. Michael J. Cohen Ph.D through over 50 years research has developed study courses, programmes, workshops and camps in Applied Ecopsychology.
Western Civilization lifestyles have become increasingly disconnected with nature as we move to life indoors. Dr. Mike Cohen states; “an average of over 95% of our lives indoors, cloistered from nature. We live over 99% of our adult lives knowing nature through detached words, stories and pictures.”
What is drawing us away from nature?
Why are we being afflicted with distractions, addictions, employment and financial drive, apathy, fear, denial and negative attitudes?
Why are illnesses, anxiety, depression, and children with attention disorders on the rise?
Why do studies show high rates in feelings of ‘unhappiness’ despite our social and economic standing in western civilizations?
We commonly use nature for our survival. Our culture teaches us Nature is out there as a resource for our use. Trees and natural materials provide shelter for us, clothing, feed us, provide medicines and fuel. However, we have been depleting our natural resources at a rate that is not sustainable over the past couple of hundred years. We have not understood our place in the web-of-life from living in our nature-separated systems. Join Greensong for a nature-reconnecting ecopsychology experience or workshop.