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Deborah Punton
Aug 30, 20233 min read
Sacred Activism
Sacred activism is a term coined by author and spiritual activist Andrew Harvey. It involves combining spiritual awareness and practices...

Deborah Punton
May 25, 20235 min read
The Work That Reconnects and Eco-Resilience
The Work That Reconnects (WTR) is a set of interactive and experiential practices with personal and group activities designed to deepen...

Deborah Punton
Nov 6, 20224 min read
Nature Prescriptions for greater health and wellbeing
A nature prescription is a healthcare intervention that involves recommending outdoor activities. Nature Prescriptions are recognised as...

Deborah Punton
Jul 5, 20223 min read
Ecopsychology; a powerful source of healing and wise council.
Ecopsychology offers experiential learning methods that enable individual to reconnect with nature in profound and meaningful ways.
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