As an ecopsychologist with a background in nursing, mental health, horticulture and permaculture landscape design and education, I know that spending time in nature and cultivating community has significant positive impacts on our wellbeing.
Being in Nature naturally releases endorphins, dopamine and other hormones which produce good feelings. This increases our sense of happiness and subjective wellbeing, promotes relaxation, can lower blood pressure and stress hormone levels, enhance immune system functioning, increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and improve mood.
Community Gardening can foster a shared vision among individuals, as they come together to learn new skills, engage in healthy behaviors, and enjoy social and physical activities related to horticulture. The benefits of community gardening include opportunities for social connection and collaboration, promoting a sense of purpose and belonging, improving overall well-being, reducing feelings of isolation, anxiety, and depression, and developing self-esteem, confidence, skills, and friendships. Community gardening can also contribute to greater food security and reduce the impact of climate change by promoting sustainable and locally sourced food production. Read more...
Ecotherapies and ecopsychology can deepen our connection to nature, promote environmental awareness and conservation, reduce stress and anxiety, foster creativity and self-expression, and improve overall mental and physical well-being.
Scientific evidence demonstrates nature, parks, gardens and gardening are good for our biopsycholosocial wellbeing (biological/physical, psychological/mental health and social health) Here are some links to explore:
Gardening helping depression “94 percent of people taking part in a MIND survey commented that green exercise activities had benefited their mental health; and 100 percent of volunteers interviewed during an outdoor conservation project agreed that participation benefited their mental health, boosted self-esteem and improved confidence. Furthermore, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence asserts that for ‘patients with depression… structured and supervised exercise can be an effective intervention that has a clinically significant impact on depressive symptoms.”
Benefits - of nature interactions (more research links)
COURSES: Gardens For Wellbeing - 4-6 weeks face-to-face in Melbourne, Australia
ABOUT Ecopsychology and ecotherapies
Landscape and Permaculture Design
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” - Roald Dahl
Workshops and programs may be tailored specifically to the needs of clients.
This may include:
Who for?
teachers and students
healthcare providers
social inclusion programs
community gardens
Max 3 sessions per day
Contact for more information or quote
Please note:
Deb is not a psychologist, carer or counsellor and unable to support individuals in a mental health crisis. Participation includes activities, group work and extension opportiunities. A personal carer or support worker may also register for a workshop to accompany a participant to support them in their enjoyment of a program or workshop.