Our well-being is naturally improved by being surrounded by Nature.
Our stress levels and blood pressure are reduced amongst many other benefits.... Nature-Guided Walks are offered and designed as a mini-escape from our everyday busy lifestyles. They are tailored to an individuals intention.
Nature-Guided walks are aligned with Greensong's small group ecotherapy Nature Mindfulness and offered 1:1 for those wnating a more guided personalised session.
The concepts are also similar the Japanese practice of 'shinrin-yoku or forest bathing" however, many of our 'walks' take place in a city or town with the focus on exploring your local area as a mini-escape from everyday busy lifestyles, rather than a forest environment.
Nature-Guided walks are tailored for individual focus, intent, aim or challenge and include an applied ecopsychology or eco-art therapy exercise within the session. Participants are guided with nature-based practices to deeply tune into the local natural world that is surrounding where they live, work or play to enhanse their sense of place and belonging. Practices may include sensory immersion, following 'natural attractions', gratitude, mindfulness, 'deep listening', creative expression and reflection.
These experiences are easily repeated to deepen our sense of place and understanding of how our local natural world relates to our selfcare and develop deeper habits, rituals and relationships with our local natural spaces. Ecopsychology methodology guides the session to provide an opportunity for an experience anywhere on the spectrum of sensing nourisihing wellbeing benefits, to profound insights, or profound experiences of anima mundi, the soul of the world.
Nature-Guided Walks include practices which gently guide individuals to access the deeper benefits of Natures sensory gifts and wisdom, fostering a sense of wellbeing.
People often report feelings of:
relaxation, balance, harmony
increased creativity and inspiration
clarity and insight
peace and joy
deeper appreciation and understanding of our natural world
enjoyment of feeling slowed down from busy lifestyle
We experience nature's benefits by simply being in nature, and may explore the 54 senses and sensitivities as part of the practice... The practices offer an activity with tools that can be utilised over and over again...
“The individual practice was helpful in allowing me to feel my connection with nature.
I was reminded about the inherent gifts that I have and I receive from Nature, which is empowering. I would want to do this practice regularly. I have support from nature and the environment to help me cope. Thank you Deb. It really helped me to calm down.... The exercise gave me a focussed way to have more nature engagement with what’s around me.”
"Tree, can I eat your leaves?"
Overwhelmed & Dying - ABC Radio Podcast. (2019)
Comedian Judith Lucy is guided on a walk and we discuss being empowered by climate actions and nature mindfulness. Deb and Judith talk about how nature reconnecting is a support network and call for sacred activism.
"I felt really inspired by Deb’s passion and connection to nature and it make it easy for me to relax and connect too. I felt very supported during the session. The moment around the dragonfly was beautiful and will stay with me (apparently dragonfly’s symbolise a need to allow joy into life and create change. I would agree I need to open up to joy and make some positive changes like connecting more to nature)....I’m feeling that I want to touch nature now more than ever and and finding it easier to tune in to the sounds....a beautiful experience for me to relax and be surrounded be the beautiful noises of the bush around me more than I could before. I feel I can connect quicker than before my session.... I feel more connected to life, my environment and the people and animals in the world around me. - Jen, December 2020
Nature-Guided Walk
Day/Time: Dates and times on request.
Duration: 2 - 2.5 hrs
Suitability: For individuals 16+ and adults.
Sessions: Max 2 sessions per day
Location: TBA (*Travel outside of South East Melbourne area occurs an additional cost)
Inclusions: Methods may include: Applied Ecopsychology, forms of eco-therapy, eco-art therapy, horticultural activities, play, mindfulness and visualization. A worksheet and the NSTP Greensong guideline details.
Fee: $110 per person/2 - 2.5 hrs.
Considerations: Please read Outdoor Guidelines before booking
Book: Please email, noting your preferred time and day of the week and location.
Facilitator: Deb Punton
Book: Contact for more information or quote
Please note:
Deb is not a psychologist, carer or counsellor and unable to support individuals in a mental health crisis. Participation includes activities, group work and extension opportiunities.

"I’m feeling that I want to touch nature now more than ever and and finding it easier to tune in to the sounds. Loving life, the wildlife is quite loud which allows for a beautiful experience for me to relax and be surrounded be the beautiful noises of the bush around me more than I could before. I feel I can connect quicker than before my session." Participant of a Nature-Guided Walk