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Bird & Butterfly

Creating a bird and butterfly garden in Singapore
EE Workshop ideas

Environment Education

Sensory Garden

Plant List

Nature Deficit Disorder Richard Louv website. Books about reconnecting children and adults with nature and the benefits on their lives, health and our earth.


Children and Nature Network Resourses, research, tools and links


Center for Ecoliteracy Books, information, etc for schooling with sustainability and ecological principles


Stephanie Alexanders Kitchen Garden Programs School programs in Australia where schools grow their own fruits and vegetables, participate in environmental outdoor activities and cook the food grown.


School Gardens in America School gardens in USA plans, etc.


UK School Gardens School, kids and parent info. Interactive classsroom ideas. 


Links to UK National Curriculum


Earth Day Network Environment education and action and Americas 'Green Schools'


Guide to Composting at Home or in your center

Green Schools Leadership Center


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