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Actions, climate education, conversations, groups, support, solutions...
Please share more resources with us all!  Not all resources and links are necessarily the viewpoint of Greensong

Please contact your GP, a professional, and/or the bolded services if feel you would like to talk in more detail:  

Psychology For a Safe Climate: Workshops, info and Psychologists who understand climate change related concerns: 

Staying Engaged in the Bushfire and climate Crisis

Australian Psychological Society

Coping with Climate Change

APS Climate Change topics 

Initial free telephone conversation with psychologist 

APS: ACTIVATE 8 strategies from psychology to tackle climate change

APS: Cliamte Change Empowerment Handbook PDF

Lifeline: Ph 13 11 14 (24 hour service)

Beyond Blue: Ph 1300 22 4636

Headspace for young people or to access an app.

Coping with Climate Distress: Environment Victoria and Psychology for a Safe Future 

Climate and mind

The Climate Council

The Climate Psychology alliance Podcasts

Dark Mountain Deep adaptation.

"We intend to challenge the stories which underpin our civilisation: the myth of progress, the myth of human centrality, and the myth of our separation from ‘nature’."

— Uncivilisation: The Dark Mountain Manifesto

The Poetry of Predicament Youtube videos/interviews

Psychotherapist Rosemary Randall talks on 6 short videos 'Coping with the climate crisis'


Extinction Rebellion Australia 

"We are in the middle of an Ecological crisis. Our course is set for mass species extinction, and societal collapse. Our future looks bleak and our children are not safe. Change to avert the worst of the disaster is still technically and economically possible. It involves envisioning and building a world which is ecologically and socially just. This is an emergency situation – action is urgent. Our Government isn’t acting in accordance with what science and history tells us. Therefore our Government is criminally negligent. We have a moral duty to rebel, whatever our politics. History shows us that peaceful civil disobedience is an effective way to bring about change. Our lives have meaning when we follow our conscience and fight to protect what we love. We ask others who feel the same way to join our peaceful Rebellion.

Skeptical Science 

Climate Feedback: Climate Feedback is a worldwide network of scientists sorting fact from fiction in climate change media coverage. Our goal is to help readers know which news to trust.

Psychology Today: The Green Minding the human place in nature. Kenneth Worthy Ph.D.

The Climate Psychology Alliance Handbook: Psychology and radical hope.

Australian Psychological Society Resources: The Climate Change Empowerment Handbook.

101 things you can do to help address climate change.

Australian Academy of Science. (2015). The science of climate change: Questions and answers.

Climate Action Network Australia 

Vision: A fair and sustainable Australia free of climate pollution, where people and nature are protected from dangerous climate change.

Climate Council

Future Leaders climate topics-resources


Friends of the Earth Melbourne

Australian Conservation Foundation

Australian Youth Climate Coalition  A movement of over 150,000 people who are fighting for a safe climate for our generation and future generations. 


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people for climate justice with the Australian Youth Climate Coalition.  Our vision is for a just and sustainable future with strong cultures and communities, powered by renewable energy. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity, but we also know it is an opportunity to create a more just and sustainable world.


Environment Victoria

Citizens Climate Lobby Australia


One Million Women : Global movement to empower women and girls to act on Climate Change by how they live.

Market Forces Actions

Other local Australian organizations via Climate for Change

The Climate Reality Project 

Local groups via Climate Emergency Declaration

Cultivating Inner Resilience 

Author/academic Jem Bendell.

BLOGS on deep adaptation and near term societal collapse. 

Deep Adaptation: A Map for Navigating ClimateTragedy - Professor Jem Bendell

Jim Bendell talk - Deep Adaptation

Climate for Change - Action NFP organization. 

Climate for Change’s mission is to create the social climate in Australia for effective action on climate change. We know that social change happens when ordinary people start having conversations with those they know and trust. We support people to have effective conversations about climate change, and to take actions that will inspire others.


Carolyn Baker providing a safe place to have dangerous conversations about uncertain futures.

Life Coach and Author (Books, online groups, podcasts)  "Carolyn Baker is a true revolutionary and fore-runner for the emerging zeitgeist of what I have come to call, the Perennialist Movement….a trust built on the foundations of indigenous wisdom and spiritual heritage. She is providing a safe place to have dangerous conversations about uncertain futures, and is our best hope for the societal schizophrenia that is truly the gravest danger to our humanity." — John Glavis

Living Resilience: Heaps of resource topics


TreeSisters exists to elicit collective responsibility for planetary restoration at the grass roots level with a focus on women and tropical reforestation. 

Vision: We envision a world in which it is normal for everyone to protect and restore our planet.

Mission: To rapidly accelerate tropical reforestation by inspiring and channeling women's nature-based feminine leadership into local and global action.


Retrofitting the Suburbs-  David Holmgren

Green House Think Tank Facing up to Climate Reality

Video talk: Shed A Light – This civilisation is finished: so what is to be done? -Rupert Read, Environmental Philosopher and Chair of Green House Think Tank.

Melbourne psychologist Bronwyn Gresham presents 12-mins talk Mental Health impacts of climate change.

How to have Climate Change conversations

USA Today article

Climate for Change - host a conversation with a trained facilitator coming to you.

Climate Communications and Behavior Change

Book Rebecca Huntley

Bioneers: Joanna Macy - The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age 

The Hidden Promise of Our Dark Age: Discovering Our Wisdom, Strength and Beauty in the Midst of Crisis One of the great activists and spiritual teachers of our era, Joanna Macy, brings a hopeful message: If we can free ourselves from the delusions and dependencies bred by the “industrial growth society,” something wonderful can happen. If we manage to steer clear of panic, we may well find, at last, the wild power of our creativity and solidarity.


"The central purpose of the Work that Reconnects is to help people uncover and experience their innate connections with each other and with the systemic, self-healing powers of the web of life, so that they may be enlivened and motivated to play their part in creating a sustainable civilization."

–Joanna Macy

The Shambhala Warrior Prophecy - Joanna Macy

‘Don’t mention the emergency?’

Booklet - Jane Morton

"If climate policymaking is to be soundly based, a reframing of scientific research within an existential risk-management framework is now urgently required. This must be taken up not just in the work of the IPCC, but also in the UNFCCC negotiations if we are to address the real climate challenge. Current processes will not deliver either the speed or the scale of change required."  - David Sprat and Ian Dunlop reports 'How to Understand 1.5oC Climate Science and other guides.

Beyond Zero: We are a community of technology experts, scientists, researchers, communicators and concerned citizens who freely give our time and expertise so that a safe climate can be secured for all.

NASA Climate Stats, evidence, cause, effects and solutions.

FREE Climate Change online courses

Uni Queensland

Open Unis Australia



Class Central (heaps)

Other courses possibly not free:

Coursera -several language options

Climate Denial

Climate change education for sustainable development: the UNESCO climate change initiative

“It's going to be beautiful to see what we dare to do. Facing our fears, and letting go of and getting over our knee-jerk reactions to what we think we don't like or are afraid of.   To see our capacity to walk into the fire.  To discover how much we really love being alive.  To give ourselves a taste of what that passion is.  To let us fall really in love with our planet, and its beauty, and to see that in ourselves, as well as in each other.”  - Joanna Macy, Ph.D. Eco-philosopher, scholar of Buddhism, general systems theory, and deep ecology

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